Measurable Outcomes & Impacts

MAITRI TB Treatment and Control programs : measurable outcomes and impact

MAITRI paramedical worker at sputum collection point
  • From 1995 MAITRI registered and treated over 9,300 cases of tuberculosis under its program, all of whom are extremely poor people.
  • Since 2006 MAITRI has carried out thousands of sputum tests at its pathological laboratory.
  • MAITRI has 5 sputum collection points run by MAITRI field workers across the state.
  • MAITRI treats patients and supervises the status of the patients treated by the government health services.
  • MAITRI has appointed voluntary DOT (Direct Observation Treatment) providers in the entire district and has trained them for a regular distribution of drugs to TB patients.
  • MAITRI has regularly delivered to the assigned DOT providers the TB drugs meant for the patients registered at its Centre or in the other 9 provinces.
  • MAITRI has regularly maintained contact with patients and their DOT providers and
  • monitored the regularity of the treatment and the maintenance of records.

Field worker Suresh Takur trains government workers as DOT providers

Lab technician Awadesh Kumar at work
  • The majority of TB patients come from the lower and poorer castes such as the Manjhis,
  • Chaudharies, Ravidas.
  • Since 1999 MAITRI has provided free food to 1,312 TB patients.
  • MAITRI has taken care of 28 seriously ill patients at its hospital and successfully
  • released 15.
  • MAITRI has contacted 4,902 villages and 3,996,282 population through its IEC
  • campaigns and 1,506 medical practitioners and 9,345 other community members
  • through its IPC activities.
  • MAITRI has regularly distributed TB drugs quarterly from the District TB Centre to the 7 TB units in the district and monthly from the TB units to the Primary Health Centres or as required by the District TB Officer (DTO).
  • MAITRI has regularly attended monthly meetings at the DTC.

The TB ward at MAITRI
MAITRI TB Treatment and Control programs : the road ahead

  • MAITRI shall maintain the network of DOT providers as required by the State Health Society.
  • MAITRI shall supervise RNTCP activities in the entire district as required by the State Health Society.
  • MAITRI shall continue providing the distribution of TB drugs to all TB centres in the district as required by the District Health Society.
  • MAITRI shall maintain the activity of its pathological laboratory also in the service of people from other areas of the district.
  • MAITRI will continue providing Humanitarian Aid to poorer patients.
  • With your support TB patients from lower and impoverished castes in rural areas can continue to receive vital TB treatment including essential nutritional supplements.
  • With your support TB patients, who currently do not have access to MAITRI’s TB program, will acquire a fundamental right – the right to have access to primary health care treatment…. with your help it can become a reality…

Consigning sputum samples to MAITRI lab

The field worker checks MDT boxes at a DOT provider

Field worker supervises a TB patient and her DOT provider

Two young TB patients hospitalized at the ward

Dr Suresh trains MAITRI field workers