
Children at the hand pump of Dhandhwa village school

  • MAITRI educates villagers in rural areas on sustainable utilization of water resources, which are getting scarcer.
  • MAITRI provides tube wells in remote villages where manual boring methods are unsuccessful.
  • MAITRI educates villagers in rural areas on the necessity of keeping the existing trees and planting new ones in order to prevent desertification of the area.
  • MAITRI has supplied saplings to villagers in remote areas.

The trees planted in the courtyard of Ramnagar village school
MAITRI Water Resources and Afforestation programmes – Measurable outcomes and impact :


  • Since 2006 MAITRI has carried out awareness campaigns on the proper utilization of water and the necessity of afforestation across the region.
  • Since 2008 MAITRI has provided deep-boring tube-wells in remote areas to ensure uninterrupted supply of clean drinking water throughout the year.
  • MAITRI has sensitized the villagers to take responsibility for the maintenance of the tube-wells.
  • Since 2006 MAITRI has provided thousands of saplings.


MAITRI Water Resources and Afforestation programmes-The road ahead:


  • MAITRI will step up its awareness campaigns to cover a larger population of Gaya District.
  • MAITRI shall initiate environment awareness in Gaya District.
  • MAITRI intends to provide more deep-boring tube-wells in remote areas of the district.
  • MAITRI will step up the supply of saplings so as to ensure a change in the metheorological set-up of the region.
  • MAITRI intends to provide water harvesting technology to the local population so as to prevent the further decline of the underground water table.
  • With your support many more needy persons from rural areas will have access to clean drinking water.
  • With your support many more persons from rural areas can participate in the transformation of their environment.
  • With your support more small farmers and rural labourers, who are totally dependant for the growth of crops on rains that are getting scarcer and scarcer and currently do not have access to MAITRI’s programmes, will acquire a fundamental right – the right to a dignified life with their basic needs met in a harmonious environment…